At the end of 2023, Nobian , a leading player in the production of salt and essential chemicals, will join Future Insight as a customer and will use Clearly.Projects , an advanced project and environmental management system. With the implementation of this platform, Nobian has taken an important step in its quest for more efficient environmental management.
We asked Ellen de Waard, environmental manager at Nobian, how Clearly.Projects supports them in managing and improving environmental issues. Ellen is responsible for managing the physical and social environment as well as communication with local residents.

Introduction Nobian
Ellen: “Nobian is a leading player in the chemical industry, specialized in the production and supply of high-quality chemicals for various industrial applications and in energy storage. We focus on developing innovative solutions that meet the needs of customers worldwide, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental protection.
For some time now, Nobian has been working to embed our sustainability ambitions in all our projects. In doing so, we not only strive for environmentally friendly processes, but also ensure a positive impact on the environment in which we operate.
The challenge
To start with, it is crucial for us to pay attention to the environment in which we operate. Within our sustainability program Grow Greener Together, this falls under the pillar Care. For example, we have set ourselves the goal of starting an extensive participation project with the environment for each intended salt extraction project. In addition, we had an urgent need to better organize our environmental management. For example, a lot of information was stored in a fragmented way or not even stored at all and there was a lack of systematic documentation.
There was no structured approach to ensure a satisfied environment during our projects, which put pressure on both our internal efficiency and external reputation. We lacked a single integrated platform where we could capture and visualize all environmental information.
The solution
In collaboration with Future Insight, we implemented Clearly.Projects as a solution to this issue. This collaboration platform enables us to integrate environmental management in a structured and effective way in all our projects.
The results
Not only have we made significant progress in our environmental management, we have also been able to contribute to achieving our goals within the Care pillar of our sustainability program Grow Greener Together. We are now able to accurately make and record agreements with stakeholders, streamline communication and respond to any concerns or complaints from the environment. This has not only led to improved operational efficiency, but has also strengthened our reputation as a responsible and involved supplier of raw materials.
The benefits
Through an organized and proactive approach to environmental management, we can now contribute more effectively to a positive change in our communities and project areas. We know what is going on with landowners and can give concrete follow-up to the agreements made.
In addition, we have direct visual insight into our transport pipelines route. This is a huge gain for the environment, but also helps us to optimize our internal project management. We give our technical colleagues insight into the challenges we encounter when starting up and executing the work. The agreements made are now accessible to everyone in the chain, from product lead to the site asset manager.
Towards a more sustainable future
We are pleased that we have taken these steps to achieve more efficient environmental management and at the same time to become a more active and responsible player in the areas where we operate.
Want to know more?
Would you like to know how Clearly.Projects can effectively contribute to positive change in your community and project area and how it can provide visual insight into your route?
Then contact Bas Hoorn or request your free trial and demo here